Friday, November 11, 2011

Letting go.

Jesus instructs us to forgive our enemies and those who have hurt us. Forgiveness and letting go can lead you down the path of healing and peace. Letting go can mean forgiving; letting go of harsh words said to us and hurt feelings, letting wounds close and choosing peace; letting go of the need to be right and choosing happiness instead. Forgiveness is the key to letting go. Forgiveness isnt about releasing him or her, its about releasing you! Happiness is always possible, but we have to be willing and open to receive it--and sometimes that means letting go of what we're holding onto. It sucks to know that you need to let go but you can't because you're waiting for the impossible to happen. Before you let go of something dear to your heart, try imagining life without it. Then decide whether or not it's worth holding on or letting go. Moving on in life is never easy when you find it hard to let go of what youre leaving behind, when there remains in your heart a small flicker of the fire that once burned so intensely with love and passion but move on. Renew, release, let go. Yesterdays gone. Theres nothing you can do to bring it back. You cant shouldve done something. You can only DO something. Renew yourself. Release that attachment. Today is a new day! Forgiving someone does not mean denying a person's responsibility for hurting you, nor does it mean minimizing, or justifying the act. It does mean willing to forgive someone without condoning or excusing what they did, and then letting it go. It may be hard, but it's never impossible.

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