This's my heart, no matter how much i've grown, the memories will forever be in my heart ♥
Hey bloggers, i'm sorry for not blogging for such a long time, but hey i'm back :) Well, over the past week lotsa things happened, good & bad. Isn't this what life is all about? I don't exactly know how i feel though, hmm well i guess this is what all teenagers go through? Mood swings & etc? Teenage life can be one of the best years in your life & also the worst years in your life. When i was younger i've always wanted to grow up, enter high school, uni & graduate, pursue my career & etc. But now as a teenager all i can say is, i miss those time when i was a little kid, no worries, no sorrows, no hurt, no pain, just happiness. Well, if only life would give me a second chance, i would definitely want to be a little kid again. I remember when i was younger, i had nothing to worry about. Whenever i cry, there'll be someone to wipe my tears away. When i wasn't okay, someone would place me on his/her lap, hug me & say it's alright, i'm here for you. Yeah, i miss those times. Hmmm, i could pretty much say that i always get what i wanted since i was young. I was the princess of the family especially to my grandparents. I was a really happy kid. Right now, my grandparents are gone, they're in heaven looking down at me. I've always told them that i won't waste my life on Earth, i'll become someone, someday & make them proud :') And right now, i know whatever i'm going through is just temporary, it'll pass soon. That time, i'm gonna stand up proud & say ' Look grandma, grandad i've fought a good fight & i am who i am today, to make you proud ' That's what that keeps me going, no matter how tough & hard life is ♥
Nice :D